Edgehill Drive Speed Humps9-14-2022: The Public Works Committee hosted a Public Information Meeting (PIM) on September 14, 2022 where Chair John Imes and Village Staff provided a PowerPoint presentation on Traffic Calming and Green Streets. Input from Village residents was gathered at the PIM and can still be provided by sending your comments to Village Administrator Sharon Eveland (seveland@shorewood-hills.org) who will forward them to the Public Works Committee members. The September 14 PIM was livestreamed on Facebook. You can view the video at https://www.facebook.com/VillageOfShorewoodHills/videos/656661712416806. The PowerPoint used during the PIM is saved as a PDF below. And, the Vermont Green Streets Guide was discussed at the PIM. It can be downloaded at https://vtcommunityforestry.org/Green_Streets. 12-7-2020: The Village hired Strand to record traffic volume and speed data before and after three 20 MPH speed humps were installed on Edgehill Drive. You can review the data in the PDF below. |