Plan CommissionThe Plan Commission shall consist of the Village president who shall be its presiding officer, one trustee, and five citizens. The trustee shall be appointed in accordance with Wis. Stats. §62.23(1)(b). The citizen members shall be appointed in accordance with Wis. Stats. §62.23(1)(c). Four members shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise provided by law, all actions taken shall require the affirmative approval of a majority of all commission members. Meetings may be called only by the village president. The village administrator shall give notice of meetings called by the commission. The powers and duties of the Plan Commission shall be as prescribed in the Wisconsin Statutes including §62.23 and Chapter 236 and in chapter 10 of this code.
University Ave Corridor Development and Design Plan 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update Neighborhood Plans (Doctors Park; Pyare Square/Walnut Grove Area; Garden Homes) |