The ordinances listed below have been approved or are in the process of being approved by the Board of Trustees but may not yet be incorporated into the Village's Code of Ordinances.
Ordinance L-2024-01Related to the Membership of the Pool and Waterfront Committees (APPROVED 3/19/24) [incorporated into Code of Ordinances]
Ordinance L-2024-02Amending Section 7.08(4) Related to Parking Restrictions on Shorewood Blvd. (APPROVED 7/16/24) [incorporated into Code of Ordinances]
Ordinance L-2023-03Amending Chapter 15 Related to Residential and Commercial Building Codes (APPROVED 8/20/24) [incorporated into Code of Ordinances]
Ordinance L-2024-04Related to the form of nomination for Village elective offices (APPROVED 10/15/24) [incorporated into Code of Ordinances]
Ordinance L-2024-05Amending section 7.06(2) relating to traffic control to add stop signs for both eastbound and westbound traffic on Lake Mendota Drive at the intersection of Edgehill Drive (APPROVED 11/25/2024) [incorporated into Code of Ordinances]