McKenna Park Master Plan Ad Hoc CommitteeThe ad hoc McKenna Park Master Plan Committee, with the guidance of Ayres Associates, will be developing a master plan for the McKenna Park area. To reflect the multi-faceted nature of the park, including natural areas, recreation and centuries of history, the Committee is comprised of Co-Chairs from the Recreation and Parks Committees, two additional members of the Recreation Committee, two from the Parks Committee, one from the Waterfront Committee, and one from the Services Committee.
McKenna Park Master Plan Survey The Village is working on a master plan to guide future work. Please share what is important to you about McKenna Park via this 5-minute survey (closed 9/5/24). McKenna Park Master Plan Townhall #1 The Village hosted Ayres' first townhall meeting about the McKenna Park Master Plan on Thursday evening, October 10, 2024. The session started with an interesting presentation by State Archeologist Amy Rosebrough about the archeological discoveries being made in close proximity to McKenna Park. Her presentation and the townhall were livestreamed on the Village's Facebook page ( You can view the video there. Ayres is in the beginning stages of gather feedback from Village residents and interested parties. In addition to 3-4 more ad hoc committee meetings, the Village is planning to host another townhall meeting on December 3, 2024. If you weren't able to attend the first townhall or did attend and have additional ideas to share, Ayres has provided this Townhall #1 Feedback Flyer with a QR code to take you to a website were you can share your thoughts (or click HERE). Ad hoc committee meetings: |