Community Center
The Shorewood Hills Community Center is located in Post Farm Park just east of Swarthmore Court. The facility is on the second floor of the pool building. The large open floor plan can be used for meetings or events. The kitchen can be used to store and reheat food brought in by users. There are a limited number of collapsible tables and chairs available.
Rules for Users
Deposits: Refundable deposits apply to ALL who rent the community center, except approved Shorewood Hills organizations (checks for fee and deposit must be written by a Village resident). Deposits will be refunded if the rented facility is undamaged and cleaned to a condition equal to or better than its condition upon arrival.
- No Alcohol Served = $250.00
- Alcohol Served = $500.00
Rent: Residents must make ALL reservations.
Non-resident groups or individuals may use the community center if they have a sponsor or co-organizer that is a Village resident.
Any refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis and subject to the Village Administrator's approval.
Hours of Use: The community center must be vacated by 10:00 pm on Sunday-Thursday and 12:00 am for events taking place on Friday-Saturday. Groups must also comply with the Village noise ordinance.
Private Groups/Party Rates: Base rate is for use up to 4 hours. After 4 hours, fee increases as a pro-rated amount (25% of the base rate for each additional hour of use).
- Monday-Thursday - $ 50.00 (up to 4 hours - $25.00 each additional hour)
- Friday (before 5:00 pm) - $ 50.00 (up to 4 hours - $25.00 each additional hour)
- Friday (after 5:00 pm)-Sunday and Village Holidays - $100.00 (up to 4 hours - $25.00 each additional hour)
Non-Private Group Rates:
- Non-profit organizations and Village user groups (i.e. play groups, girls and boy scouts, dance lessons, international week)
.......... $15.00 per session up to 3 hours
.......... $40.00 per day up to 10 hours
- For profit series groups (i.e. private yoga classes, art classes)
.......... $30.00 per session up to 3 hours
.......... $80.00 per day up to 10 hours
Additional Charges: Damage or failure to clean the facility to a condition equal to or better than the facility’s condition upon arrival will result in loss of security deposit plus additional cleaning charges required to restore the building to its pre-use condition. The extra costs will be charged to and paid by the village sponsor. These extra costs also include administrative fees. Complete the checklist on the backside of the rental agreement to avoid these additional charges.
For additional information contact the Village Hall at 608-267-2680 or