Garden Homes Neighborhood Plan
At its March 15, 2021 meeting, the Village Board of Trustees approved the third and final reading of Ordinance L-2020-7 Adopting the Village of Shorewood Hills Garden Homes Neighborhood Plan and related 2009 Comprehensive Plan amendments. The final version of the Plans are listed below.
Due to the pandemic, the process to approve the Garden Homes Neighborhood Plan stretched out to about two years. The Village hosted a number of public meetings in early 2019 and the Plan Commission discussed redevelopment objectives for the Garden Homes area throughout 2019. At its December 17, 2019 meeting, the Plan Commission recommended language changes that eliminated quantitative limits in favor of qualitative measures that would provide guidance for future development. The revised draft neighborhood plan was presented at the Commission's January 14, 2020 meeting. Then COVID-19 shut down public meetings for several months. Eventually, the Plan Commission returned to consideration of the 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and scheduled the required public hearing on December 1, 2020. At its December 15, 2020 meeting, the Plan Commission recommended that the Village Board adopt the Garden Homes Neighborhood Plan and related Comprehensive Plan amendments, which the Board did at its March 15, 2021 meeting.