Arbor Day Tree Walk (New and Improved)

The Garden Club has been working on a new and improved Arbor Day Tree Walk, located on the Shorewood Elementary School grounds. Over the years, a new tree has been  planted each Arbor Day on the school grounds. Quite a few years ago, the Garden Club purchased and installed tree stakes at the tree base to identify each tree. However, the stakes proved to be problematic for the lawn mower and some have disappeared.

To address this issue, the Garden Club purchased arboretum quality tree tags to go on most of the mature trees on the Tree Walk. This October, David Boutwell (Parks Committee/Garden Club Member), Jody Lampe (Arbor Day "expert"/Garden Club Member), and Lynn Johnson (Garden Club Treasurer) installed the new tree tags. David will update the Tree Walk pamphlet, which can be found outside the Heiden House, that provides a description of each tree variety.

Thank you to David, Jody and Lynn for their work on our Village mini arboretum! The specimen of trees planted over the years is remarkable. Take a walk with your family, friends and neighbors - you can learn a lot about trees right here in our Village on the new and improved Tree Walk!

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