Tree Replanting Plan
The Madison Metropolitan Sewer District (MMSD) is conducting a multi-year project to increase sanitary sewer capacity across several municipalities. As part of the project, many trees have already been removed along the southern edge of the Village west of Shorewood Boulevard. In September 2024, removals will continue to the east of Shorewood Boulevard. Tree removals will be quite noticeable along the bike path and University Avenue.
The good news is that re-planting will commence in April 2025, including many native species of trees, shrubs, grasses and perennial flowers. See the landscaping plan attached below. The tree stock to be planted is currently 5-10 years old, about 10 feet tall and 2 inches in diameter. This vegetation will take several years to mature, but it will be low-maintenance, climate-resilient and pollinator-friendly: a win-win-win! The general plan also includes protective measures for the beloved large oak tree just south of the Shorewood Hills Pool.
This replanting plan is a joint effort between MMSD, the Village and Vandewalle & Associates. If you have questions, please contact Village Administrator Brian Mooney ( Keep in mind that Village Forestry and Public Works Departments are not responsible for the tree removals or for the construction activity that will follow. Village personnel cannot make on-the-fly changes to the plan.
Watch for future volunteer opportunities in Spring/Summer 2025 to water and care for the new plantings! Thank you for your interest in this project.
– Village of Shorewood Hills Parks Committee