I Want To......serve on a Village Committee, Commission or Board …learn about my property assessment …apply for a bartender’s license …license my bicycle …learn about hosting a block party …learn about brush collection …rent the Community Center …learn about the community parks …learn about elections in Shorewood Hills …know who provides my fire protection and/or ambulance …learn about fire safety …learn about the Village’s history ...learn more about the Village's July 4th Celebration …learn about leaf collection ...license my dog or cat …dispose of old medications …get a parking permit …pay a parking ticket or citation …apply for a building permit …report a power outage …participate in one of the Village’s recreation programs …know what is recyclable …get help with a sewer backup …join Shorewood Hills Pool …learn about my property taxes …learn about trees in the Village …pay a utility bill …learn about volunteer opportunities …register to vote …have wood chips or leaf mulch delivered to my home …ask a question about zoning |