Updated 1-13-2024
Candidates that have filed nomination papers:
John Imes - Village President
Rocky Van Asten - Village President
Mark Lederer - Village Trustee
Shabnam Lotfi - Village Trustee
Kate Ullsvik - Village Trustee
Each candidate filed the appropriate paperwork with the Village Clerk by the Tuesday, January 7, 2025 deadline and will appear on the ballot for the Spring Election on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
There will be a primary election on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 but none of the Village races will appear on the ballot since the field of candidates does not need to be narrowed down.
My Vote Wisconsin - This is the best place to:
- register to vote
- request an absentee ballot
- find your polling place
- view a sample ballot for current elections
- check your voting history
- change your name
- change your address
Voter Registration
To be eligible to register to vote in Shorewood Hills, currently you must have resided here for at least 28 consecutive days prior to the next election (that may change later this month). If you have moved to a different home in the Village or changed your name, you must re-register. The easiest way to register is by going on-line to: myvote.wi.gov. But, in-office registration is required during the last 20 days before the next election. Voters can print the registration form off of myvote.wi.gov and bring it to the Village Hall. You will need to bring proof of your residency in the Village when registering to vote. Common proofs of residency, among others, include a WI driver’s license, a utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government document, or lease. The document must include your name at your Village address. It is possible to register at the polls on Election Day but plan on spending some extra time.
A Photo ID is required to vote. The most common types of acceptable photo ID include: a WI DOT-issued drivers license, a WI DOT-issued identification card, a Military ID card issued by the U.S. Uniformed Services, or a U.S. passport book or card.
The photo ID is only for proof of your identity, it does not require your Village address. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: An out of state driver’s license IS NOT an acceptable ID in Wisconsin; a Wisconsin driver’s license or passport may be expired if the expiration date is after November 3, 2020 (the date of the last federal election). There are other forms of acceptable ID for voting purposes (
see the Acceptable forms of Voter ID flyer below). If you do not have a valid ID, see the
Free ID Card Petition Process flyer below or go to:
Poll Location
Requesting to Vote Absentee By Mail
You must be registered to vote in order to receive a ballot. The easiest way to request an absentee ballot be mailed to you is by going on-line to myvote.wi.gov. An acceptable proof of identification must be on file or accompany the absentee ballot request. An absentee ballot request can be made at any time and ballots will be mailed out when available. The deadline to request an absentee ballot to be mailed is the Thursday before the election. A ballot must be returned to the Village Hall by Election Day. The mail can be slow and it is recommended to not wait to the last minute to request an absentee ballot. An alternative to MyVote is the Absentee Ballot Application (see form listed below). The completed form may be faxed to the Village Hall (608-266-5929); e-mailed to the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer: ckahl@shorewood-hills.org; mailed to or dropped off at the Village Hall at 810 Shorewood Boulevard, Madison, WI 53705.
Drop Box
The Village's Drop Box in the Village Hall parking lot is open. The recent court ruling prohibiting the use of drop boxes is no longer in effect. Electors may return their ballots to the Clerk by utilizing the Village's secure drop box. It will be emptied at 8:00 pm on Election night to ensure all ballots delivered prior to the polls closing are counted.
In-person absentee voting is limited to the last two weeks before an election. You can vote absentee in-person before the election by visiting the Village Hall during regular and extended business hours. Absentee voting on the day before an election is prohibited. Before receiving a ballot, you are required to show a photo ID. You must be registered in order to obtain a ballot.
Signing the Poll Book on Election Day
All voters must sign the poll book in order to obtain a ballot on Election Day. The Village now utilizes an electronic poll book called the Badger Book that has speed up the check-in process. Voters sign a computer screen similar to those used at grocery/department stores. You will still be required to state your name and address, show an appropriate photo ID and sign the electronic poll book. Voters unable to sign the poll book because of a disability are exempt from this requirement. If this applies to you, simply tell the Election Officials that you are unable to sign because of a disability. You do not need to disclose the nature of your disability to the Election Officials or to any observers. Election Officials will record "exempt by order of inspectors" in the poll book.