Lake Mendota Drive Bridge Project

November 17, 2023:

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Join us for a ribbon cutting ceremony for the newly reconstructed bridge on Lake Mendota Drive, near the Edgehill Drive intersection on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at 1:30 pm. 

 September 21, 2023:

New Lake Mendota Drive Bridge Project Road Closure - The Lake Mendota Bridge project is preparing to start placing the bridge structure pieces. In order to facilitate the large equipment that will be coming in and to ensure the safety of vehicular traffic, the west-bound lane of Lake Mendota Drive will be closed to thru-traffic beginning at Wood Lane beginning at 7am Friday, September 22 and will remain closed until at least October 20 but may need to remain closed until the project is completed. Currently, the project is on schedule to be completed by October 30. Westbound traffic on Lake Mendota Drive will need to detour onto Wood Lane, North on Edgehill Drive, and then West on Edgehill Pkwy back to Lake Mendota Drive (the southbound lane of Edgehill Drive between Lake Mendota Drive and Edgehill Parkway) will be closed during this time period. The northbound lane of Edgehill Drive will remain open and right turns only will be permitted onto eastbound Lake Mendota Drive.

Please see the attached map for a complete picture of the closure. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.

CLICK HERE to see a map. 

August 24, 2023: 

Update on Bus Routes from Metro Bus for the Madison School District - Due to the closure of Lake Mendota Drive for the bridge reconstruction project, the Metro Bus Service will not have the normal stops on Edgehill Parkway east of LMD, Edgehill Drive west of Edgehill Parkway, nor Edgehill Drive west of Shorewood Blvd. Alternate access locations are available on Oxford Road east of Bowdoin Road or on Shorewood Blvd west of Bowdoin Road. This would be in effect for both morning and afternoon stops and is expected to be in place until the project is completed on October 27.

CLICK HERE to see a map.

August 17, 2023: 

The Lake Mendota Drive Bridge replacement project is set to begin Monday, August 28. Starting that date, the bridge will be shut down and thru traffic will have to detour around it using Edgehill Pkwy and Edgehill Drive (CLICK HERE). Pedestrian access to McKenna Park and the boathouse will be maintained at all times, but may be limited to one access path at a time, which would either be the sidewalk at the northeast corner of the bridge or via the trail under the bridge. The Village will be providing weekly updates on the project, including any changes to pedestrian access. To start, the crews will only be on site Monday-Friday and are well-aware of the Village’s quiet hours.

The project is currently expected to be complete, with the bridge reopened, by October 30. Please be aware that significant adverse weather could delay the completion date, but we will communicate any changes in the future. If you experience any issues with the project area, please contact Village Administrator Sharon Eveland at or the Project Engineer, Tyler Hassert of Strand Associates, at

The Village is excited to see this project come to fruition and we ask for the community’s patience and understanding with any inconveniences caused by the closure of the bridge.

The Village of Shorewood Hills proposes to replace a bridge located on Lake Mendota Drive over a multi-use trail approximately 0.1 miles west of the intersection with Edgehill Drive (Section 17, T07N, R09E).

KL Engineering hosted the second of three Public Information Meetings (PIM #2) on Thursday, February 4, 2021. Project aesthetic options and other information was discussed. KL Engineering staff explained the proposed improvements and answered questions from the public.

Below are links to the recording of PIM #2, the PowerPoint presentation, and full size images of the photos of railing options.

For additional information contact Chad Halverson, P.E. at (608) 663-1218 or send an email to; Send written comments to: KL Engineering, Inc., 5400 King James Way, Suite 200, Madison, WI 53719.

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